Sunday, January 21, 2007

1/21/2007 Arrived

This will be my official IBEX blog. I will try to keep it updated as much as possible with the latest happening while I am here. There will also be a page on our school website dedicated to IBEX, mainly photos.

It is 7:30pm. We left school at 6:30am on the 20th, and arrived here at the moshav around 6pm on the 21st. I spent the better part of two days straight with my favorite person in the whole world, my beautiful girlfriend Analee Nunez, so all in all I had a great time. Everybody is feeling the killer jetlag, but I'm going to try to stay awake until at least 10pm, so that i won't wake up in the wee hours of the morning.

I don't have much to say about the moshav yet. Supper was fairly decent, although I was surprised when I bit into what I thought was pasta and realized it was "yellow" green beans!

The kids are a blast. Speaking of blast, Zach (10) kept telling us joke after joke about bombings and interracial quirkiness. Pretty cool little kid.

One last interesting thing before I end today's post. At about 11am this morning on the plane (sometime in the middle of the night by my internal clock) something really cool happened that I had not expected. One by one, until there were about 15 or 20 of them, men of all ages began to get up and do what appeared to be their morning prayers. The donned prayer shawls, little boxes on their heads, leather straps going down their arms...when I know more about the traditions of the Jewish people I will try to explain what I saw (cause right now, I have just a vague idea of what it all meant). The men went to the exit doors, in the aisles, and to the back of the plane for about an hour, apparently praying or something to that effect. There were also a handful of Muslim girls chanting over the Koran, kissing it and passing it around.

Even on the plane, I realized this is going to be a different world, one that I'm excited to get to know and understand.



kathie said...

Hi Daniel
So excited for you. Loved your blog!
I will come here often while you are gone over there. Looking forward to some day meeting the "most beautiful girl in the world"

Unknown said...

Thanks for allowing me to feel like I am there!! How exciting for you! Tell Analee I said Hola, espero que tenga un tiempo grandisimo. Keep the messages coming!

Tim/Gwendy said...

Just finished all your comments about your trip. I enjoy hearing about it. Esepecially enjoyed the comment about your most beautiful girlfriend. It is neat that the two of you could go together. Thanks for sharing your world with us. It is neat to hear of the sites and sound. In Him, Tim